EACD Summer School 2023 - Poznan, Poland

Summer School for Early Career Researchers focusing on Childhood-onset Disabilities

A course on research in the area of childhood-onset disability

The EACD Summer School 2023 is a 5-day training course from a Monday morning to Friday afternoon, organized by the European Academy of Childhood Disability together with the Poznan University of Medical Sciences from 17-21 July 2023 in Poznan, Poland.

The 5-day course is an interactive and immersive experience, covering the models, the procedures and instruments that are required internationally to plan and conduct research in the field of childhood-onset disabilities, guided by good clinical practice.

The 5-day course will consist among other of:

  • Theoretical teaching organized in lectures covering theoretical frameworks and models
  • Networking with fellow early career researchers from around Europe, and meetings with international professors and families in the field of childhood-onset disability
  • Visits to local research laboratories

The topics of the course sessions will cover a wide range of themes, representative of the multidisciplinary status of the EACD. Next to the course programme, the EACD Summer Schools entails a social programme including a visit to the laboratories at the hosting site during an afternoon, and a Social Dinner during one of the evenings.


The general aims of the EACD Summer School 2023 are:

  1. To skill participants to conduct research in the field of rehabilitation of childhood-onset disability, guided by the principles of ethical research and good clinical practice
  2. To elevate the participants’ knowledge of the research methods and models relevant for the area of childhood-onset disability
  3. To promote international collaboration in Europe for the advancement of evidence-based research in the area of childhood-onset disability.
At the end of the course the participants:
    • Will be familiar with the recommended methods for all stages of the research process, including identifying the research question, methodological considerations, good clinical practices, and how to write, publish and communicate your research findings
    • Will be able to choose and develop the appropriate instruments and measurements tools for conducting research in the area of childhood-onset disability
    • Will be aware of the specific challenges related to conducting clinical care and research with people with childhood-onset disabilities and their families, and be equipped to anticipate and overcome them
    • Will be able to integrate the newly acquired knowledge to advance their practice clinical and research career
    • Will be able to build on their knowledge to foster regional and international partnerships

    EACD Summer School 2023 Provisional Programme:

    Monday July 17th

    From research question to research proposal – methodological issues in childhood-onset disability research

    Tutors: Prof. Christopher Newman + Inti Vanmechelen

    Tuesday July 18th:

    The childhood-onset disability research toolbox – instruments and measurements in neurodevelopmental and rehabilitation science

    Tutors: Senior Lecturer (t.b.c.) + Karen Lennon 

    Wednesday July 19th:

    Patient and family-centered research - identifying a research question together

    Tutors: Dr. Jennifer Ryan + Katarzyna Swieczkowska; Afternoon: Visit to Research Laboratories at Poznan University of Medical Sciences

    Thursday July 20th

    Good clinical practice in childhood-onset disability research – fostering the credibility, scientific and ethical quality of your research, and how to write, publish and communicate your research findings

    Tutors: Prof. Bernard Dan + Dr. Alvaro Hidalgo Robles; Late Afternoon: Presidential Reception and City Tour  

    Friday July 21st

    My career in childhood-onset disability research – a look towards the future based on the week’s experiences

    Tutors: Prof. Elisabet Rodby-Bousquet + Dr. Erika Cloodt  

    Who can apply?

    EACD Summer Schools serve the needs of a multidisciplinary audience of early career researchers and early career clinicians with interest in performing research in the field of childhood-onset disability. To enable and ensure close interaction with the lecturers, the number of participants is limited to max. 30.


    Early Career Researchers active in one of the disciplines related to rehabilitation of childhood-onset disabilities with interest in performing research in the field of childhood-onset disability can apply if they fulfill the following criteria:

    §  The applicant is, or has up until very recently been, enrolled in one of the following educational programmes:

    ü  Presently enrolled in a PhD/Doctoral programme in an area relevant to childhood-onset disability research, or you were awarded your PhD degree within one year of the deadline for application (31 March 2023)

    ü  Presently enrolled in a Research Master degrees programme in allied health disciplines dealing with childhood-onset disabilities (e.g. physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, nutrition, psychology, special education, nursing and other disciplines)

    ü Presently enrolled in a residency programme for medical doctors (e.g. specialists or residents in child neurology, child psychiatry rehabilitation medicine or paediatrics)

    §  The applicant holds a (temporary or permanent) position in an academic or clinical institution involved in research/clinical activity, supported by letter of presentation of the responsible of the institution

    §  The applicant is living and working in a country from the European region (see: https://www.who.int/countries)

    §  The applicant is fluent in written and spoken English (equivalence of B2 or higher)

    §  At least one publication as first author in an international peer-reviewed journal, or co-author on at least two publications in international peer-reviewed journals, or proven significant clinical expertise/experience, is considered to be a prerequisite for applicants: 1) presently enrolled in a residency programme for medical doctors and/or 2) applicants who were awarded their PhD degree within one year of the deadline for application (31 March 2023). This criteria is considered to be a plus, not a prerequisite, for applicants presently enrolled in one of the other eligible educational programmes as stated above.

    §  EACD Membership is considered to be a plus, not a prerequisite.

    Note: Those who participated during the EACD Summer School 2019 in Pisa, Italy are not eligible to apply (again) for this EACD Summer School. Those who participated during the BornToGetThere Summer School 2022 in Pisa, Italy (supported by EACD) are eligible to apply for the EACD Summer School 2023.

    Selection Procedure:

    A maximum of 30 participants will be selected based on Curriculum Vitae (CV) and the above criteria. The CV should address the above-mentioned criteria. A motivation letter and a letter of support by the supervisor to follow this course should be presented.

    Preference will be for the maximum of 3 participants per each country and to include at least 6 participants out of the 30 from lower economic income countries of Europe (see list of Hinari countries: https://www.research4life.org/access/eligibility/). For candidates who will obtain identical scores for the CV and the above criteria, preference will be given according to the date of application.

    The selection of participants based on the above criteria will be made by the ‘EACD Summer School 2023 scientific committee’. The committee also includes two members of the EACD Early Career Researchers’ Forum. After a first selection based on provided data, a selection interview will be decisive if deemed necessary.



    Program Intensity



    Required documents:

    Applicants are required to present a:

    1.     CV according to points illustrated in the "Who can apply" paragraph

    2.     Motivation letter (as indicated above)

    3.     Letter of support (as indicated above)

    All the application documents must be in pdf format and submitted via the application form by at latest 31 March 2023, 23:59h CET (Brussels time)

    Click here to submit your application 




    ·        Tuition fees cover registration, lunch and coffee.

    ·        Applicants will be informed of the acceptance of a bursary, together with the acceptance of their application to the summer school


    17-21 July 2023

    Application Deadline

    31 March 2023


    Prof. Marek Jozwiak 

    Scientific Committee
    Christopher Newman, Elisabet Rodby Bousquet, Annemieke Buizer, Karen Lennon, Alvaro Hidalgo Robles, Bernard Dan

    Marco Konings

    EACD Summer School 2023 Course website:




    The European Academy of Childhood-onset Disability (EACD) is an international not-for-profit association founded in 1989, and is an association for anyone with a clinical and/or scientific interest in childhood-onset disabilities in Europe and beyond. EACD's mission is to promote research and education for the benefit of people with childhood-onset disabilities throughout Europe and beyond. 


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