Nominations Committee


To assist the EACD General Management Committee in finding suitable people for nomination to the General Management Committee.


Chair (2023-2026)

Eugene Rameckers, PT, PhD

Professor in Pediatric Rehabilitation Science and Physical Therapy, Hasselt University & University of Maastricht


Member (2023-2026)

Nana Tatishvili, MD, PhD

Professor in Neurology
D. Tvildiani Medical University, Tbilisi


Member (2023-2026)

Katja Groleger Srsen, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor at University Rehabilitation Institute Republic of Slovenia, Head of Department for (re)habilitation of children


The EACD Annual General Meeting elects at least three members to form the EACD Nominations Committee.  Nominations Committee members are elected for a period of 3 years (renewable once). The Nominations Committee members should reflect an appropriate representation with diverse backgrounds. The EACD Nominations Committee members will appoint a Committee Chair among themselves.

Role of Nominations Committee Members

The Chair of the Nominations Committee is the leader and coordinator of the activities of the Nominations Committee and the Nominations Committee members are expected to work closely with the Committee Chair. Nominations Committee members have to be members of EACD and must attend the EACD Annual Meetings during their term.

The responsibilities and duties of the EACD Nominations Committee members are:

  • To find suitable people for nomination to the General Management Committee (and other committees upon request by the General Management Committee), bearing in mind that the committee(s) needs to be representative in terms of, among other, scientific discipline, professional background, nationality/country of residence and sex.
  • To maintain an overview of the current members of the General Management Committee (and other committees, where appropriate), including their scientific discipline, nationality/country of residence, start of term and end of term.
  • To inform the General Management Committee well in advance (> 6 months) on the GMC positions that are up for election at the next AGM Meeting.
  • To support the Chair of the Nominations Committee with any tasks and/or decisions as requested.

Specific responsibilities and duties of the Chair of the EACD Nominations Committee:

  • To present on request of the GMC, during a GMC meeting and/or AGM meeting all nominated applicants for the GMC position(s) that is/are up for election.


EACD Nominations Committee members are accountable to the EACD General Management Committee for the stated duties and responsibilities.



The European Academy of Childhood-onset Disability (EACD) is an international not-for-profit association founded in 1989, and is an association for anyone with a clinical and/or scientific interest in childhood-onset disabilities in Europe and beyond. EACD's mission is to promote research and education for the benefit of people with childhood-onset disabilities throughout Europe and beyond. 


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