EACD Latest News Updates

Please find below the latest news updates about the plans and activities
of the European Academy of Childhood Disability

  • 16 Aug 2022 09:00 | EACD (Administrator)

    The EACD Early Career Researchers' Forum (ECRF) brings you fresh news for these August days! As you know, one of the ECRF's objectives is to support knowledge exchange... and for that's reason our ECRF is very happy to invite you to our first online ECRF Educational Session! In this session, Prof. Christine Imms will talk about her work on participation in childhood disability, and how to create networks to improve the implementation of research findings in clinical practice. Since Prof. Imms’ session at the EACD2022 in Barcelona took place at the same time as our EACD Early Career Researchers' Forum session, we would like to use this super exclusive opportunity to allow ECRs who were unable to attend her session to learn more about participation. The session will take place on Thursday, September 1st, 08:00-09:15 am CET (Brussels time). Subscription link: https://eacd.org/event-4926051 

  • 18 Jul 2022 12:00 | EACD (Administrator)

    The next 35th EACD Annual Meeting will take place in Ljubljana, Slovenia 24-27 May, 2023! The preparations for this congress are already in full swing! Please visit: https://eacd2023.org regularly for the latest updates and the key dates towards this exciting event!

  • 12 Jul 2022 12:00 | EACD (Administrator)

     COMMUNITY OF PRACTICEThe IAACD Global Professional Education Committee (GPEC) is launching two virtual Communities of Practice (CoP) for people developing services for children with developmental disabilities and their families.

    More info at https://iaacd.net/kh-home/community-of-practice/

  • 9 Jun 2022 13:00 | EACD (Administrator)

    Let’s stop violence against women and girls with disabilities! Did you know that children with disability are 2.9 times more likely to suffer sexual violence? Help put a stop to this by raising awareness and supporting accessible sex education. Please check out the YouTube video here to learn more: https://youtu.be/EPCpg2ccVNI

  • 7 Apr 2022 15:00 | EACD (Administrator)

    The war in Ukraine due to the invasion by the Russian Army is having a devastating impact on the country’s children with disabilities. Families are terrified, in shock, and desperate for safety. In conflict, children with disabilities are among the most vulnerable. They often require specialized treatment and services. Without access to services, schools and assistive products like wheelchairs, many children with disabilities face a very real risk of exclusion, neglect and stigmatization as the war continues.

    As of 20 March 2022, The World Health Organisation (WHO) has verified 52 attacks on health care in 25 days. This is, of course, unacceptable and health care must always be protected. The attacks on medical and education facilities have decimated the Ukraine’s health and education systems. It is estimated that more than 4 million people have been forced to leave the country, including thousands of children. This has hit children with disabilities the hardest, leaving many without access to specialized care and accessible education facilities they need.

    The implications cannot be underestimated. Lack of access to proper medical and psychological care will prolong or worsen injuries and disabling conditions among children. The risk of being exposed to violence and facing difficulties to access basic services including health and education are exponentially higher for children with disabilities. The risk of violence, exploitation, abuse and neglect for children with disabilities is even further heightened by the death of or separation from caregivers. On top of this, families of children with disabilities in a conflict often lack the means or ability to provide their children with the assistive equipment they need, while neighbouring countries are hosting an unprecedented number of refugees from Ukraine. The refugee flow is adding a huge strain on service provision, challenging Ukrainian and host communities’ access to the required services and care to families who have children with disabilities.

    Therefore, on behalf of children with disabilities affected by the conflict in Ukraine, the European Academy of Childhood Disability (EACD) and partners are asking those involved in the war, those who have influence over them, all neighbouring countries and the international community for the following actions for children with disabilities inside Ukraine and refugee-host countries:

    1) Invest in providing lifesaving support and long-term rehabilitation services, including psychosocial support and mental health care for children with disabilities.

    2) Provide children with disabilities early passage across borders and ensure safeguarding of the human rights of children with disabilities and their access to basic services including health and nutrition, education, child protection and shelter.

    3) Increase financial assistance to families with children with disabilities to help provide access to assistive products like wheelchairs, canes and prosthetics.

    4) Produce and provide a resource containing information on relevant local rehabilitation resources, care facilities, family support resources and any other information that may help the children with disabilities to access care readily.

    5) Provide flexible, unrestricted, multi-year funding to meet the needs of children, including those with disabilities and their families to increase their access to specialized services.

    6) Support reconstruction and recovery efforts by prioritising the needs of children, including children with disabilities.

    7) End all restrictions on the delivery of humanitarian aid to children and their families within Ukraine.

    Download link: Open letter - Appeal for Action - EACD April 2022.pdf

    on behalf of the EACD General Management Committee

  • 31 Mar 2022 15:00 | EACD (Administrator)

    This Summer School is organized by the University of Pisa from 11 – 15 July 2022 as a part of a project funded by the European Commission “BornToGetThere” with the support of the IRCCS Fondazione Stella Maris and of the European Academy of Childhood Disability (EACD). This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 848201. The 5-day course is a practical and immersive experience, covering the models, the procedures and instruments that are recommended internationally to plan and conduct clinical and research activities for Early Detection, surveillance and intervention in children at risk for Cerebral Palsy (CP). It will be based on international guidelines, effective models of knowledge translation, and guided by good clinical and human ethics practice. The course faculty will be constituted of international experts in the field of childhood disability research and clinical care.

    The aims of the Summer School are: 1) to raise awareness of the participants about the practical pathways for the implementation of Early diagnosis and Intervention guidelines of CP as feasible, sustainable and culturally modified for different environments; 2) to elevate the participants’ knowledge of the surveillance and early intervention methods and models iii) to promote international collaboration for the advancement of early care and parallel research efforts with children at risk of CP and their families.

    Click here to find out more about the BornToGetThere Summer School 2022!

  • 15 Mar 2022 12:00 | EACD (Administrator)

    The posts of Chair-Elect (Term 2022-2026; 1 year as Chair-Elect, 3 years as Chair), GMC Member & Communication Officer (Term 2022-2025), and GMC Member & National Networks Officer (Term 2022-2025) will be up for election at the next EACD Annual General Meeting (May 19th, 2022) during the EACD Barcelona 2022 Meeting. Dr. Arnab Seal will finish his term as Chair in 2023. Dr. Lorna Wales will finish her second term as GMC Member in 2022 and is not eligible for re-election. Prof. Jeroen Vermeulen will finish his first term as GMC Member in 2022 and is eligible for re-election. These positions offer an exciting opportunity to shape and guide the activities of the EACD. Should you have any queries about any of the vacancies, or interest in applying for any of these positions, please contact Prof. Elegast Monbaliu, EACD Secretary, or Prof. Nana Tatishvili, Chair of the Nominations Committee. We would kindly like to ask members of EACD who would like to apply for any of the above-mentioned vacancies in the EACD General Management Committee to please send your Curriculum Vitae and Motivation letter to admin@eacd.org by at latest March 31st, 2022 as part of the official election procedure

  • 21 Feb 2022 12:00 | EACD (Administrator)

    Under the meeting theme 'Childhood Disability in a Changing World', EACD Europe 2021 looked back on the direct and indirect effects of COVID-19 on the area of childhood disability, from the use of remote consultation methods and tele-medicine up to the mental health impact. But also looked forward to the newest trends in rehabilitation and care, the possibilities for user-professionals partnerships, and the latest developments in technology and innovation.

    Around 600 delegates from 54 different countries joined us during this innovative, fully virtual meeting with four Thematic days spread over four consecutive weeks. During these weeks, the participants have been presented 22 keynotes, 71 oral communications, 194 poster presentations, and 4 satellite symposia. Furthermore, EACD Europe 2021 is proud to have hosted the launch of the EACD Early Career Researchers' Forum, and the inaugural meeting of the Early Intervention in Developmental Disabilities Special Interest Group.

    EACD Europe 2021 Program is here.

    Recordings of the EACD Europe 2021 keynote lectures are available for EACD members on EACD educational webpage: https://edu.eacd.org/lectures

  • 9 Feb 2022 11:36 | EACD (Administrator)

    Nominate your candidate for the Elsass Foundation Research Prize 2023 now! To be considered, nominations must be submitted in English here before May 31st, 2022. Every second year the Elsass Foundation Research Prize is awarded by the protector of the Elsass Foundation, Her Royal Highness Princess Benedikte at the foundations’ premises in Charlottenlund, Denmark. The prize recognizes researchers that have - and continue to make - an exceptional contribution within the field of cerebral palsy (CP).

    Prize amount

    The prize is DKK 1.000.000 (equivalent of 150.000 €). It is a combined personal prize of DKK 250.000. (37.500 €) and a research grant of DKK 750.000. (112.500 €). It is preferably given to one person only, but it may also be shared by several researchers. Nomination of candidates within all areas of CP research and sciences, with any professional background are welcome.

    Selection Committee

    Members of the committee are appointed among internationally recognized researchers with

    extensive expertise and knowledge in the field of CP:

    • Thomas Sinkjær, Chairman and Professor in Neurorehabilitation and Neurotechnology, DK
    • Roslyn Boyd, Professor of Cerebral Palsy Research, PhD (PT), AU
    • Giovanni Cioni, Professor of Child Neurology, IT
    • Darcy L. Fehlings, Professor, CA
    • Bernard Dan, Professor and former prize recipient, BE

    Click here and nominate your candidate!

    About The Elsass Foundation: The Elsass Foundation is a private foundation from Denmark working to improve the quality of life for people with cerebral palsy (CP) and their families. The Elsass Foundation works across a wide range of areas, including research, knowledge dissemination, developing activity programmes and providing funding to institutions, associations and individuals. The foundation was established in 1975 following a donation by Helene Elsass, who had CP. Her wish was to establish a foundation that could help others with cerebral palsy to the greatest extent possible. The Elsass Foundation is a proactive foundation which strives to keep abreast of the latest research and knowledge in the field of CP. All activities are structured so as to revolve around our mission to improve the quality of life for people with cerebral palsy (CP). One of the primary goals is to help ensure that people with cerebral palsy attain the greatest possible level of independence and autonomy   -   Website: https://www.elsassfonden.dk/en/

  • 7 Dec 2021 12:00 | EACD (Administrator)

    In May 2020, EACD set up a Technology & Innovation Task Force, currently led by Prof. Sylvain Brochard and Dr. Christelle Pons. Technology and innovative solutions are making more and more a difference in our society as well as in paediatric rehabilitation. In fact, in some cases technologies and innovative solutions could improve rehabilitation practices in complementary with traditional approaches. However, most initiatives in this area relevant to our community are still mostly from local/regional initiatives, and which kind of technologies and innovations exactly are used, or not used, in paediatric rehabilitation at the moment is still rather unknown. Therefore, the EACD Technology & Innovation Task Force aims to develop a vision at the European level by making visible the needs for people with childhood-onset disabilities and by promoting innovation targeted on this group.

    As one of the Action Points, EACD has prepared with a number of partners the RehaTech4Child survey! The aim of the RehaTech4Child Survey led by EACD is to identify the digital technologies (e.g., robotic devices and treadmill systems, virtual reality and gaming systems, telehealth) that are used in clinical practices throughout Europe, and to explore the barriers and facilitators in the use of these new technologies in clinical practice. This knowledge would eventually help in designing the future technological developments based on the feedback from rehabilitation professionals. 

    In order to reach out to as many people as possible, the survey has been translated into 20 different languages due to the invaluable support of our RehaTech4Child Steering Group, our EACD National Coordinators and many others.

    Please find below a list of links to the survey in all available languages:

    EnglishGermanFrenchSpanishItalianPortugueseTurkishPolishDutchSwedishFinnishDanishRomanianUkrainianGeorgianCroatianSerbianSloveneLithuanian and Estonian.  



The European Academy of Childhood-onset Disability (EACD) is an international not-for-profit association founded in 1989, and is an association for anyone with a clinical and/or scientific interest in childhood-onset disabilities in Europe and beyond. EACD's mission is to promote research and education for the benefit of people with childhood-onset disabilities throughout Europe and beyond. 


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